Business funding

Good cash flow is vital to the health of your business. Advance funding is potentially a massive boost to aid growth and help overcome seasonal fluctuation.

Find out how we can support your business and growth, with repayments made as a fixed percentage of your daily card takings.

Monitor and renew your advance funding through the APP – you are always up to date and in control.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Any other questions, or to get a quote, please get in touch now.

Can I make a one-off payment to pay down my advance early?

Yes, you can always make one-off payments free of charge if you would like to.

You don’t have to, however. Most merchants prefer the flexibility and free cash flow of simply repaying in accordance with their fixed repayment percentage at no extra cost.

How will I repay?

Repayment will happen automatically as a fixed percentage of daily sales.

For example, if your repayment is 20% of daily sales and you made £1,000 in sales on a given day, then £200 would go towards repayment and £800 would go to you. On days without sales, you will not repay anything.

This means that, unlike traditional business loans with an interest rate that is always ticking, the YouLend Advance adjusts to your cash flows without any extra fees or charges.

Can I get a top-up?

Once you have been funded by us at least once, you can usually get quotes for additional funding and get the funds transferred the same day that you request it.

Request a quote

Existing account holders; Submit the last 3 months bank statements and last 3 months merchant services statements, we’ll send your offer.

Business funding inquiries for potential new accounts; please contact the LCC office to discuss your requirements.

Call. 01634 912 468

Request a quote

    Upload 3 months banks statements here

    If at hand, please upload merchant statement here